Month: September 2018

Why Men Wear Beards

24, September, 2018

It’s not just hipsters in Brooklyn wearing beards these days. The trend has gone mainstream and the bigger the better seems to be many men’s moto. Why? It’s found such broad traction because beards creates the illusion of a larger, more prominent jaw – a trait traditionally perceived as masculine. Men’s faces and particularly lower […]


When to Choose Minimally Invasive Procedures – and When Not To

24, September, 2018

Minimally invasive procedures promise minimal recovery, minimal pain, minimal expense but too often minimal results. Biologic and pharmaceutical research, computer technology, and surgical refinement make available many ways to improve facial appearance.  Among these varied options, a number of procedures that are less or minimally invasive have become popular because they offer a faster recovery […]


The Role of Anthropometry in Planning Aesthetic Surgery

24, September, 2018

Medical anthropometry is the collection of precise, reproducible surface measurements of the human body. The late Leslie Farkas was a medical anthropologist who accumulated large numbers of facial surface measurements – including landmarks, size and inclination of features – of various population groups of both sexes. These data defined normal – or average – values, as […]


Designer Faces

24, September, 2018

Saville Row is famous for bespoke clothing – clothing made custom for the individual client. Now, bespoke doesn’t have to stop at fashion. Using computer technology, facial implants can be computer designed (CAD) and computer manufactured (CAM) to redesign faces. Bespoke facial surgery allows patients and their doctor to create a look that enhances their […]


The Limited Role of Mathematical Ideals in Planning Facial Surgery

24, September, 2018

When reconstructing a severely injured face after a motor vehicle accident, the plastic surgeon attempts to return the involved area to its original appearance, or, if that is not possible, to one that is symmetric and accepted as normal. When a patient chooses cosmetic surgery to improve the appearance of their healthy face, the aesthetic […]


The Shape of the Youthful Female Brow

24, September, 2018

Bold eyebrows are a hot beauty trend right now. Actress and model Cara Delevingne is getting the credit from fashion writers for this trend, but the look’s popularity isn’t just a passing fad. It’s rooted in biology. Both lay practitioners (cosmetologists) and medical professionals (plastic surgeons) agree on the ideal shape of the youthful female […]


Computer-designed Implants Provide a Solution to Facial Irregularities after Orthognathic Surgery

24, September, 2018

Many people are born with teeth that don’t fit in their jaw properly – a condition referred to as malocclusion. Most can have the malocclusion corrected with braces. However, in about 10% of patients, braces are inadequate. For these patients, providing proper tooth fit – or occlusion – requires surgical repositioning of the upper and […]
