Reversing Exaggerated Brow Lifts
It is not uncommon for patients' brows to be raised too high – particularly the medial brow, after conventional and, particularly, endoscopic brow lifts. This excessive elevation of the brow is accompanied by hollowness of the upper lids and unnaturally high hairline. Dr. Yaremchuk has devised ways to reposition inappropriately lifted brows. This brow lowering not only puts the periorbital structures in better harmony, but ironically, it restores a more youthful appearance.
See Dr. Yaremchuk’s data on brow shape and position in youth and age.
These patients were displeased with the position and shape of their brows and lower lids after endoscopic brow and midface lifts as well as upper and lower lid blepharoplasties. Dr. Yaremchuk repositioned the brows and lower lids with his midface and brow surgeries.
This patient also underwent infraorbital rim augmentation and lateral canthopexy.