Cranio-orbital Deformities

(cheek depression, telecanthus, enophthalmos)

Dr. Yaremchuk has vast experience in the reconstruction of facial deformities, with a special interest in the cranio-orbital area.

Dr. Yaremchuk was a co-winner of the Year 2000 Best Paper Award presented by the Maxillofacial Surgeons Foundation of the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons. He has lectured nationally and internationally, and has written many articles and chapters on these topics. His chapter on the correction of post-traumatic enophthalmos (sinking in of the eye) was published in the Atlas of Orbitocranial Surgery. In 2012, a paper, "Correction of Posttraumatic Enophthalmos," was published in the Archives of Plastic Surgery.A paper on the proper treatment of acute orbital injuries and the correction of established deformities was published in the Journal of Craniomaxillofacial Trauma

In March of 2006, Dr. Yaremchuk lectured on "Craniofacial reconstruction with prefabricated implants" at the French meeting - Les nouvelles imageries en chirurgie maxillo-faciale Congres de L'association Francaise des Chirurgiens Maxillo-Faciaux. He also presented this work at the Forum de Cirurgia e traumtologia Buco-maxilo-Facial de Rio deJaneiro in November of 2006.

Most recently, Dr. Yaremchuk performed live surgery correcting a post traumatic cheek and orbit eformity for the benefit of Russian plastic surgeons a Russian - American Conference on Craniofacial Surgery in Moscow.

In 2019, Dr Yaremchuk, Dr Gordon and Dr Huang will co-chair the Fifth Annual Selected Topics in Craniomaxillofacial Surgery: An International Symposium on Cranioplasty and Implantable Neurotechnology.

before after

* This Graves Disease patient (overactive thyroid gland) suffered from severely swollen eyes. She was unable to close her eyes and lived in constant pain. By increasing the volume of her eye sockets and building up her orbital rims, Dr. Yaremchuk both improved her appearance and eliminated her eye pain.

before after

* This patient suffered from severe eye socket (nasoethmoidal) fractures, which increased the distance between her eyes, destroyed the bridge of her nose and caused her right eye to sink in (enophthalmos). Dr. Yaremchuk corrected these problems by moving the eye socket walls, reconstructing the nose bridge and adjusting the internal socket walls.

before after

* This patient suffered severe head and eye socket fractures resulting in sinking in of his left eye (enophthalmos). Dr. Yaremchuk reconstructed the patient's eye socket roof, walls and floor in order to reposition the eye.

before after

* This woman had several attempts to correct the post-traumatic deformity which included bilateral ectropion. Dr. Yaremchuk augmented the temporal deficiency. Osteotomized and moved the zygomatic arch and corrected the ectropion with midface elevation and lateral canthopexy.

before after

* This patient suffered from a severe facial fracture (hemi-nasoethmoidal), which resulted in a misaligned eyed and the sinking of his left eyeball (enophthalmos). Dr. Yaremchuk repositioned and reconstructed the eye socket walls to correct the patient's appearance.

before after

* This woman underwent cranio-orbital reconstruction with a CAD/CAM implant

before after

* This patient had suffered massive trauma. Reconstruction was performed with a free omental transfer and a cranioplasty

* Reviews